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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高一英语期末试题 > 福建省南安一中08-09学年高一上学期英语期末考试


来源:高考网 2009-03-24 16:26:07

[标签:期末 高一 英语]



  21.The Spring Festival is ________unique day for families.It is also _______ day for special foods like niangao.

  A.an, a            B.an, the          C.a, a          D.the, a

  22.-Why didn't you go to the party last night, Susan?

  -_______, but I had a lot of homework to do.

  A.I'd like to go      B.I'd like to     C.I'd like to go to   D.I would

  23.Fujian is ____ the east of China, with its capital ____the Minjiang River.

  A.in, to       B.in, on        C.at, in         D./, on

  24.--Do you have anything _______ for this Saturday afternoon?

  --Not yet.

  A.to be planned     B.to plan        C.planning       D.planned

  25.As a student, you should do your duty and put your heart into study _________.

  A.at one time     B.at all times     C.at a time     D.at times

  26.Quanzhou is quite a beautiful city and people from other places often come to _______ the mountains, seas, lakes and trees.

  A.climb        B.admire         C.share          D.impress

  27.I used to live near the People's Park ________ is the centre of town.

  A.that       B.where       C.in which       D.what

  28.I don't like to watch this.There's a better programme than this on CCTV6.Please ______.

  A.turn back      B.turn on        C.switch off      D.switch over

  29.I think we ________ be able to have holidays on the moon in about twenty years' time.

  A.are going to     B.will       C.can         D.would

  30.Six days had gone by ________ they realized the picture painted by Pablo Picasso was missing.

  A.as             B.before         C.since           D.when

  31.To tell you the truth, I don't quite like the way ______ she talks to her mother.

  A.by which      B.in that        C./         D.on which

  32.-- Hi,Tom.It's nice seeing you.Here's my mobile phone number.Let's ______ in touch.

  -- Sure.So long.

  A.keep          B.get          C.come          D.take

  33.It's very cold.Don't leave the man _________outside in the rain any longer.

  A.to wait         B.waited        C.waiting        D.to be waiting

  34.--Shall we go boating this afternoon?

  --It depends on the weather.I will go _____ it rains and the wind blows hard.

  A.when          B.until          C.as            D.unless

  35.I've just heard a warning on the radio that a storm is ________ to come this evening.

  A.likely        B.possible        C.regular        D.real






