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首页 > 高中作文 > 英语自我介绍 > 英语自我介绍浅谈


2009-10-09 17:01:06网络资源

  Why should first talk about self-introduction

  1, the significance of self-introduction:

  (1) introduce themselves to others show you an important means of self-introduction OK, or even directly related to your first impression to others and the subsequent exchanges between the quality of the smooth or not.

  (2) self-introduction not only display their own means, at the same time, but also a means of self-awareness. As an ancient saying goes: "Zhiren, Chile, friend, that" As the saying goes: "bystander clear Dangjuzhemi" Clearly, in order to self-awareness, to own an accurate positioning is not an easy thing, and through self-written, will Themselves a sense of carding.

  2, the self-introduction:

  Self-introduction can have a different approach,

  (1) In accordance with the language used to divide: can be divided into orally, in writing. We speak here mainly of a written self-introduction.

  (2) written from the self-introduction, can be autobiographical nature of the self-introduction, for example, as we learn of "Lu Xun's autobiography" and "Lao She's autobiography," This is two articles of the autobiographical self-introduction. Can also have the incident as the center, prominent personality characteristics of the self-introduction.

  3, self-introduction of a taboo:

  (1) self-introduction Pingdanwuqi the most taboo, can not display the characteristics of the individuals out.

  (2) also taboo on self-written biographical notes of forms, the lack of color literature

  You should read more than a few bar, a self-introduction of a general grasp, is the only your own best understanding of their own, so you have your own a just, beautiful self-introduction, you make others Refreshing, want to understand you, and you make friends `````` I think you will introduce the high school to high school career you bring a brand-new!

  Also, such as what to write quickly pull !~~~~~

[标签:自我介绍 英语]






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