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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高二英语练习题 > 09年江苏新海高级中学高二(上)第一次学段测试英语试题


来源:高考网整理 2009-11-12 11:53:17

[标签:高二 试题 英语]




  21. With _______ beautiful smile on her face, Wang Anni proudly stepped off the special Olympic plane called "______ Journey of Harmony" early this month.

  A. a; The         B. a; /    C. the; A   D. /; The

  22. -Father, you promised!

  -Well, _______. But it was you who didn't keep your ______ first.

  A. so was I; word      B. so did I; words  C. so I was; words  D. so I did; word

  23. When _____ help, one often says " Thank you" or "It's kind of you".

  A. offering           B. to offer        C. to be offered    D. offered

  24. ---I hope that you can remove the difference between you and Susan and become good friends.

  ---______. If only Susan had the same idea.

  A  My pleasure      B. It's a pleasure   C. By no means   D. By all means

  25. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only_______ the film stars had left.

  A to tell             B. to be told      C. telling         D. told

  26. What surprised me most was to see the girl laugh the way _____ her mother did at that age.

  A. /                B. which         C. with which     D. where

  27. To save the drowning child, the boy plunged into the icy water without hesitation, ______ his own safety.

  A. despite of    B. regardless of   C. unaware of     D. because of

  28. The discovery of new evidence led to _________.

  A. the thief having been caught        B. the thief to be caught

  C. catch the thief                   D. the thief being caught

  29. - Can you give me the right answer?

  -Sorry, I ______ . Would you repeat that question?

  A.hadn't listened                 B.haven't listened

  C.don't listen                D.wasn't listening

  30. ---How did you do on the test?

  ---Not so well. I _______ much better but I misread the directions for Part One.

  A. could have done  B. should do  C. must have done   D. could do





