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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高二英语练习题 > 09年四川省广元中学高二(上)第二次月考英语试题


来源:高考网整理 2009-11-12 13:26:03


  从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  1. Would you please tell me_______ G-20 Summit in London is all about?

  A. that which      B. what that        C. that         D. what

  2. I am sorry. I didn't _______ your voice ______ the phone.

  A. recognize; in    B. know; on        C. recognize; on    D. made out; over

  3. Only after this financial crisis has come to an end, ________ to come back to work.

  A. will you be able          B. are you able

  C. you will be able to          D. you are able to

  4. Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often _______ or even better than an actual performance.

  A. as good as     B. as well as      C. as well         D. as good

  5. He _______a Chinese woman and they have _______for years.

  A. married; married to            B. married to; been married

  C. married; been married        D. married with; married

  6. --- Is John coming by train?

  --- He should, but he ________ not. He likes driving his car.

  A. must         B. can         C. need           D. may

  7. This old book is _____ a lot and is well worth ______.

  A. worthy; reading   B. worth; reading  C. worth; read    D. worthy; read

  8. "It will not be long ________ the Olympic torch relay outside a hosting country is stopped." IOC spokesman said a little bit earlier yesterday.

  A. before           B. until              C. if              D. when

  9. ---I don't think I have done a good job.

  ---That's OK. ______ you have done your best.

  A. All above        B. After all      C. In all        D. First of all

  10. Britain suggests that the United States _____ over oil-rich southern Iraq, which suggests that Britain _______ its army out of Iraq soon.

  A. take; pull     B. take; will pull    C. should take, pull  D. will take; pull

  11. Measures must be ______ to prevent the world economy from ________.

  A. done, further endangering         B. carried, being further endangered

  C. taken, being further endangered        D. made, being further endangered

  12. Even though they are twins, they have ______ with each other.

  A. much in common             B. little in common

  C. many arguments             D. in touch

  13. Boy students are not allowed to _______ long hair in our school.

  A. dress           B. wear               C. leave          D. grow

  14. Don't worry. It is _______. Drink ______ water and you will be well again.

  A. nothing serious; plenty of                B. serious nothing; a large number of

  C. nothing serious; a great deal              D. nothing serious; a plenty of

  15. ----Where did you meet Mr. Bush?

  ----It was at a conference______ a lot of reporters were waiting.

  A. that      B. which        C. in which    D. where

  16.        to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead

  A. Fail  B. Failed  C. To fail  D. Having failed

  17. ---I can't find my purse anywhere.

  ---You       have lost it while shopping.

  A. may  B. can  C.  should   D. would

  18. All people,      they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.

  A. even if  B. whether  C. no matter  D. however

  19. ---I am afraid I can't return the book to you before Friday.

  ---       .

  A. Don't be afraid  B. Be careful  C. Not at all  D. Take your time

  20. Teenagers        their health because they play computer games too much.

  A. have damaged  B. are damaging  C. damaged  D. will damage





