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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高三英语期中试题 > 2010届福建省永安一中高三半期考英语试题


来源:高考网整理 2009-11-25 14:47:39

[标签:高三 试题 英语]


  第一节:单项填空( 共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分 )


  21. ---Mum, it's so dark here, I am afraid.

  --- _____________.

  A. I'm afraid not    B. Never mind      C. Take it easy       D. How silly you are

  22. He was about to tell me the secret _______someone patted him on the shoulder.

  A.as              B.until            C.while             D.when

  23. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to        products.

  A. design         B. classify           C. promote          D. identify

  24. The experement turned out to be _____________,  which was unexpected .

  A. a complete failure                    B. a completely failure

  C. complete failure                     D. complete failed

  25. ---Wow, your homework looks great!

  ---I _____ it on my computer.

  A. did            B. do               C. will do           D. had done

  26. My brother is senior _________ me  ________ five years.

  A. than; to         B. to; to            C. to; by            D. than; by

  27. __________ with an awful lot of ancient paintings, the museum is worthy ______________.

  A. Furnishing; visiting                  B. Furnished; to be visited

  C. Furnisheng; of being visited           D. Furnished; visiting

  28. The data shows that the birthrate in China is far lower than ________ in India.

  A. that            B. one             C. those            D. the one

  29. When _____________ a new word, you'd better __________ a dictionary.

  A. come across; refer to                 B. coming across; consult

  C. coming across; look up               D. come across; consult

  30. In the past three years, he ______________ hard at English.

  A. works          B. has been working  C. had worked       D. worked

  31. But for the arrival of the police,  you __________ killed.

  A. might have been  B. could have been   C. may have         D. would be

  32. The boy was in high spitits, because of ___________ a key university.

  A. he was admitted into                 B. his admitted into

  C. he admitting into                    D. his being admitted into

  33. With the old man ______ the way, we're sure to get there in time.

  A. to lead         B. led              C. lead             D. leads

  34. Not until it was dark _____________,  which made his mother worried.

  A. he showed off                      B. that he showed up

  C. did he show up                     D. had he showed up

  35. Do you agree to the way        the problem is settled?

  A. in which        B. how            C. in that            D. by which





