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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考总复习 > 高考知识点 > 高考英语知识点 > 高三二轮复习:各地模拟题完型填空汇编


来源:高考网整理 2010-02-01 17:16:45




  Andy was born with a developmental disorder. The two sides of his 36. _______were not joined normally with each other. The right side of his body could not 37.______ with the left. At age three, it was 38._______ for him to walk, speak, and play. He could only 39._______ back a few words, and walk 40.________while someone held each of his hands.

  Then came the struggles. He 41._______ an all-day center he was enrolled in every imaginable therapy(疗法). He 42._______, sometimes in tears, to get stronger. Andy hated it when his parents would leave him in the mornings. 43._______, they believed -- against all odds -- that he would grow up to live a 44.______ healthy life. They believed it for themselves, and for Andy.

  It 45._______. Today Andy is a successful 13-year-old high school student. His progress has been nothing short of phenomenal. He receives special help with 46._________, but joins with friends in all the activities he loves. Andy 47.________ enormous odds to move from adversity to victory.

  Ask yourself: "What are the seeds of strength hidden in my struggles today? If I get back up when I fall, what will that make possible tomorrow?"

  36. A. body         B. hands           C. brain            D. legs

  37. A. talk           B. speak           C. exchange      D. communicate

  38. A. easy          B. difficult        C. unchallenging    D. comfortable

  39. A. pay           B. answer           C. reply             D. respond

  40. A. smoothly     B. swiftly        C. slowly           D. quickly

  41. A. attended      B. joined         C. presented       D. went

  42. A. behaved       B. struggled    C. appeared        D. seemed

  43. A. Therefore     B. While         C. However        D. Though

  44. A. rich            B. average         C. common         D. normal

  45. A. paid back       B. paid out     C. paid off          D. paid for

  46. A. something     B. nothing       C. anything        D. everything

  47. A. beat            B. won           C. overlooked       D. overcame

  答案:36-40 C D B D C  41-45 A B C D C  46-47 A D


  36. C。根据文章我们推断出Andy左右脑结合的不好,导致身体的右边跟左边连接有缺陷。

  37. D。根据"were not joined normally with each other."可推断:Andy 身体的两边不能相互交流。

  38. B。从此句中我们判断出:因为Andy身体方面的缺陷导致他说话,走路等都很困难。

  39. D。因为他行走,说话都有问题,所以只能对别人的话做出很少的反应或回应。 respond的意思是"回应; 反应; 响应"。

  40. C。根据上文的句意:他行走,说话都有问题,推断出他走路很缓慢。

  41. A 句意:Andy 参加了一个全天的康复医疗中心,而这个中心有各种疗法。join加入某种组织等;present 后面加at时出席的意思; go需加上to再加名词。

  42. B从此段的第一句话我们可以判断出。Andy挣扎着去让自己变得强壮些。


  44.D。 从上下文我们Andy的父母期望他能过上正常的健康的生活,应该说"to live a normal healthy life"。

  45.C。 从这个选项的下一句我们得知,Andy努力取得了成功。pay off意思是"取得成功";pay back偿还, 报复;pay out支付, 付出, 惩罚, 报复; pay for为…付款。

  46.A。 从该句中"but",我们得知Andy虽然在一些事情得到别人特殊地帮助,但是他主动地加入到大家的活动当中。

  47. D。此句话的意思是:Andy克服了很多困难走向胜利。overcome 克服,overlook忽视,beat打败,win 获得,赢得。




