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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高考试题 > 历年英语高考试题 > 2011年高考湖南卷英语试题(真题)


来源:高考网整合 2011-06-01 16:17:33

[标签:高考 试题 英语]



Section (15marks)

    Diretions For each of the following ynfinsihed sentences there are four choices marked A B C

And D C choose the one that best completes the sentence


The wild fowers looked like a son   blanket ______ the desert

A ervcring     B covered     Cover      D to  cover

The  answer is A

21 . The  ability  _____an idea as important as the idea itself

A expressing     B expressed     C to express    D to cover

22.the abilty ______ab  idea  is as important as the idea itseif

A expressing  B expressed   C to express   D to  cover

23the  players  ______from  the  whole  country  are  expected  to bring us honor in this summer game .

A selecting       B to selece         C selectrd      D having   selectcd

24.I know that  _____ would over discourage  hin  he would necer give up to be a director

A something        B anything             C overything    Dnothing

25.julic was good at german French and Russian all of  ____ she  spoke flurntly

A who           B whom         C which          D that

26.One   third  the  contry  ______ covered  with   trees  and the  of zhe citizens

A is  are            B is  is           C are  are         D are  is

27  in 1942  columbus_______ on the  of the bahama  ialands bur  he  mistook  it for

A lands          B landed          C has landed        Dhad  landed

28 .no noe   ________ be compored  with yao ming in playing baskctball

A can             B need            C must         Dmight

29 .Do you  make up every morning  __________ energetic and ready  day?

A fcel   B tofeel         C feling      D fell

30 It Is the  most  instructive iecture  that   ________since I carne to this

A attended           B had attended       C am attending   Dhave attended

31             can   be   solcyd   it be obvioys ______the promlen  itsclfis

Awhat      B that   C which      Dwhy

32 Only after  they and discussed the matter for _______a dccision 

A they reached        B did they  reach   C they reach   Ddo  they reach

33 jack wasn’t saying anything  but the teacher  smiled at  hin ____ he had don very elever

A as if       B in case       C while         D thought

34 in     future more advances  the robot   nology ______ by scentists

A are making    B in made        C will make    D will be make




