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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中试卷 > 高二英语练习题 > 北京日坛中学2011-2012年高二3月英语试题


来源:中学学科网 2012-03-23 15:30:25

[标签:高二 试题 英语]

  北京市日坛中学2011 -2012 年高二3月月考英语试题


  1. We each took ______ tea after having ______ wonderful supper at my aunt's yesterday.

  A. a; /           B. /; /               C. the; the          D. a; a

  2. Many of the one-family children are so accustomed to ______ that they react violently

  when they hear something different.

  A. be praised       B. being praised         C. praising         D. praise

  3.  _______ the trouble they were in, they still managed to help us with some money.

  A. In spite of      B. Because of     C. In terms of         D. In sight of

  4. Nobody knows for sure what effect the global warming have ______ our environment in

  the long term.

  A. of             B. with          C. for                D. on

  5. Every year _____ money and energy is spent on environment protection.

  A. large quantities of                B. a large number of

  C. a large quantity of               D. a plenty of

  6. In his speech, Marks made the point ______ far more people died from smoking than from

  taking drugs.

  A. what     B. where   C. which    D. that

  7. Varieties of household goods are sold here, ________from babies' toys to old men's walking sticks.

  A. changing       B. varying         C. ranging          D. classifying




