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来源:网络资源 2018-10-21 22:11:44


  M9 U1

  1. 仅次于                           second only to

  2. 富含......                          be abundant/rich in

  3. 接近,靠近;差点做某事           be close to sth./doing sth.

  4. 占地......面积                      cover an area of..

  5. 与某物相配(或协调);与某事相伴而生   go with

  6. 被指控                           be accused of =be charged with

  7. 归功于,归因于                   owe...to...

  由于,因为                       owing...to...

  8. 配备有                           be equipped with

  9. 参加                             participate in

  10. 区别,辨别               distinguish… from...;distinguish between...and...

  M9 U2

  1. 在某方面取得进步               make advances/achievements/progress in

  2.    尤其,特别                       in particular

  3.    对……..挑剔                      be particular about

  4.    为了,为表示                     in a gesture to do sth.

  5.    后代                             generation to come

  6.    对公众开放                       be open to the public

  公开地,在公众场合               in public

  7.    原产于…                         be native to

  8.    在…方面                         in terms of

  M9 U3

  1. 随机,随意                       at random

  2. 为了向…表示致敬                 in solute to sb./ sth.

  3. 反对                object to (doing) sth / have an objection to (doing) sth.

  4. 服从; 呈交,提出                 submit (…) to

  5. 追溯到;始于                    date bake to / date from

  6. 关于                with regard to = in regard to = regarding = concerning

  7. 异同                            similarities and differences

  与…相似                        be similar to

  8. 随心所欲                        get one's way

  9. 脱离,分离                      split off from

  10. 用A取代B, 代替              substitute A for B =substitute B with A

  11. 必然,一定                      be bound to be/do

  12. 与......一致                       be consistent with

  在......方面一致                   be consistent in

  M9 U4

  1. 突出故事的寓意                  underline the moral of a story

  突出/强调…               lay/put/place  stress/emphasis  on/upon……

  2. 砸中某人的脚/头/…               strike/hit sb. on the head

  3. 不为人知的弱点                  a hidden weakness

  优点和缺点                      strengths and weaknesses

  4. 使(某人)陷入……; 沦落为……   be reduced to doing sth.

  5. 被雇佣;受雇                    hire (oneself) out

  6. 对……有彻底/全面/清楚的了解     have a thorough understanding of…

  =have a good knowledge of…

  7. 受欢迎,流行起来,变得时髦      catch on = become popular or fashionable

  8. 代表某人                        on one's behalf= on behalf of sb.

  9. 围绕,以……为中心              be centred around/ centre around

  M10 U1

  1. 成为重要新闻                     hit/make the headlines

  2. 迫使,促使                  put/bring/lay (great) pressure on sb. (to do sth.)

  =pressure sb. to do sth.

  3. 摔跤;努力对付或解决             wrestle with...

  4. 毫无疑问                         beyond/without doubt

  5. 处于关键时刻                     at a crossroads

  6. 问题的解决方法                   a solution to a problem

  7. 处理/应对失业问题                address the problem of unemployment

  8. 在于                             lie in sth,    lie with sb.

  9. 在牺牲(或损害).....的情况下      at the expense/cost of sb/sth

  10. 敲响警钟                       set alarm bells ringing

  11. 除之外                         on top of

  12. 不断要求;争取                 push for

  13. 补上,补做                     catch up on



