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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中教案 > 高二英语教案 > 高二英语教案:《Pygmalion 5th period Listening》教学设计(2)







高二英语教案:《Pygmalion 5th period Listening》教学设计(2)

来源:网络整理 2018-11-21 11:51:52

  Step II Listening

  Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss what they would do to change Eliza into a lady and how, and then fill in the table in part1.

  Things that needed to be changed

  How to make the change1. speech1. start with the alphabet an pronunciation, and learn to speak grammatically right sentences and try to speak clearly and fluently

  2. clothing

  2. change the shabby how to listen to and understand the play in the listening material

  clothiers with beautiful ones and often take baths

  3. behaviour

  3. learn to behave politely and gracefully

  After that, ask the Ss to listen to the recording and answer the questions in Part 3.

  Play the tape for three times and after that, check the answers.

  Step III Listening (Workbook: P70)

  First discuss the questions with the Ss.

  T: Next we will listen to Act Three of the plya, testing Eliza. Before listening, let's discuss some questions. Now look at the questions on p age 70. How would you test Eliza?

  Sample answers:

  S1: I would like to take her to a grand parry, where there are a lot of rich people to see if she can get along well  with other people or if people would like to talk with her.  If so, Eliza has been taught well and has made great progress. If not, she will be taught again.

  T: Good idea! What criteria would you use to decide if the test was a success or not?

  S2: I think we could use quantity and effect of her communication as criteria: how many people want to talk or dance with her? What do people feel about her?

  Then ask them to listen to the tape and finish Exercise 2-4.

  Step IV Talking

  Ask Ss to imagine what Henry and Pickering will say to Eliza when they come back from the tea party.

  Step V Listening (Workbook: P73)

  Play the tape and ask the Ss to listen and finish the activities.

  StepⅥ Homework:

  1. Listen to the recording once again and enjoy the play.

  2. Finish the Writing Task on page76.




