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高一英语教案:《Starting a new school club》教学设计

来源:网络整理 2018-11-26 12:52:22

高一英语教案:《Starting a new school club》教学设计

  I. Analysis of teaching material

  The topic of this unit is “Starting a new school club”. This period is about the project of this unit. This period contains two articles written by two students, which will give the students some ideas of what school clubs are like. Besides these two articles, it also has a project, which is to work in groups and design a poster advertising a new school club. This part gives out the concept of “4P” method, that is, to plan, to prepare, to produce and to present. This is the first time for the Ss to get to know the idea of “4P” method. We should explain it to them. And it will take the Ss a lot of time to get ready for the project. So we had better tell the Ss to collect some information and do sth for it in advance.

  First the teacher can divide the Ss into different groups so that group work can be carried out. In doing group work, the students will get some idea of team spirit. They are supposed to learn to cooperate with their group members so that they will be able to work with their colleagues in the future.

  After the step, the students will collect enough information about school clubs, therefore, we will be able to guide them to finish completing the poster following the “4P” method.

  II. Three-dimension objectives

  1.To help the students to learn two articles about after-school activities in school.

  2.To learn some expressions, especially “as” and “require”.

  3.To help the students learn how to start a new school club and design a poster for it.

  4.To find out how an activity attracts the students and help them to learn what preparations to make when they plan to start a new school club.

  III. Teaching important and difficult points

  1.To know the importance of arrangement and teamwork in starting a club.

  2.To learn how to start a new school club and design a poster for it.

  3.To understand the outline of starting a new school club.

  4.To ensure every student to have a chance to express himself / herself.

  IV. Teaching aids

  A tape recorder and the multimedia.

  Teaching Procedure

  Step 1 Greetings and check the homework

  In the last period, students learned what a notice is and how to write it. And they were asked to write a notice based on the given information. Now, it is time for them to exchange their writings. The teacher can ask some to read or to write on the Bb to find out how well they have mastered. If there are some mistakes, the teacher should be careful enough to correct their mistakes without hurting their learning interest..

  One sample version:


  Speech Contest Cancelled

  Dear students,

  As the school sports meeting will be held soon, the planned Speech Contest on 8th Dec will be put off till 12th Dec.

  The School Office

  Step 2 Lead-in

  With the revision of what they have learned before, the teacher can guide the topic to the one they will discuss this period.

  In the last period, we learned a lot about school activities. We know after-school activities are important to personal development. Having proper after-school activities can even help you go to a good university. Today, we will learn something more about after-school activities and how to start a new school club.




