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您现在的位置:首页 > 高考资源网 > 高中教案 > 高一英语教案 > 高一英语教案:《Unit 9 科技》教学设计







高一英语教案:《Unit 9 科技》教学设计

来源:网络整理 2018-11-26 18:08:52

高一英语教案:《Unit 9 科技》教学设计

  Teaching Planning for Unit 9

  1st Period

  Sub Topic New Uses of Things

  Focus Listening

  Tasks 1.Describe things and how they work

  2.A Guessing Game

  Teaching Aims:

  1.To review the Simple Present Passive Voice

  It is used for…

  They are made of(from)…

  This thing can be put ….

  2. To develop the students’ listening skill by creating an information gap and stimulating their desire to discover things

  Moral Focus: Creative Thinking

  Teaching Aids:

  A tape recorder, the listening cassette, a toothpick, a sock, a plastic bag , pictures or objects of some daily things like chopsticks, a cell phone, a remote controller, a CD player, a walkman, a computer, a refrigerator, a mirror, a satellite receiver etc.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step One Warming up

  1. Greetings

  2. Atmosphere Stirring

  ? Talk about something that is seemingly common and trigger the students to discover something unique by observing carefully and thinking lively.

  Example: Observe the teacher carefully and identify something unique like a certain scar, the smoking habit, the left-handedness etc, and then talk about the possible causes.

  ? Create a proper learning environment and get the students geared for the oncoming classroom activities

  3. Brainstorming

  ? Present objects: a toothpick, a sock and a plastic bag

  ? Provoke the students’ thinking by encouraging them to think of the new uses of the above objects

  ? Be ready to accept any offered answers

  ? Try to involve as many students as possible

  Step Two Pre-listening

  3. Show pictures of some daily things including one or two but not all of the objects that are to be described

  4. Prepare the students for the listening by encouraging them to discover what are being described

  Step Three Listening and Identifying

  5. Listen to the tape and identify what is being described.

  6. Talk about the possible uses of the described things.

  7. Ring a bell to the Simple Present Passive Voice

  Step Four Talking and Guessing

  8. Group work

  ? Divide the whole class into several groups

  ? Think about the objects we use in our daily life.

  ? Describe two or three of the objects to the other groups and see if they can guess what you are describing.

  ? Remember not to make it too easy to guess

  ? Take turns to do the describing and guessing

  ? Use the following structures and questions to help with the description and guessing

  It is used for….

  It can be found….

  It is often seen….

  They are made of(from)…

  This thing can be put ….

  What does it look like? What is it used for?

  What is it made of? Who usually uses it?

  How do people use it? How does it work?

  When is it used? Where do you usually see it ?

  Step Five Topic Touch

  9. Describing and Drawing

  ? Divide the whole class into two groups.: A describing group and a guessing group.

  ? The teacher let the students in the describing group see some certain objects or pictures like a remote controller, a TV set, a CD player, a walkman , a satellite etc. Then one of the students begins to describe what is being presented by the teacher. Others are ready to add something to the description. Remember not to make it too easy to guess.

  ? Students in the guessing group are supposed to draw and then guess what is being described.

  ? Each group has three descriptions and three guesses

  ? The group which gets more right answers wins.

  ? This game is also served as a slight touch of the Unit Topic

  Step Six A Discussion

  10. Work in groups of six

  11.Discuss about the good impact of one of these things.

  12.Each group member contributes some notes to the reporter of the group

  13.Report to the whole class

  Step Seven Listening in WB

  14.Listen to the tape and fill in the information chart below.

  15.Compare the information with the partner

  Step Eight Pair work

  16.Work in pairs.

  ? Look at the space projects below and decide which one is the most useful.

  ? Put “1” in front of the most useful project and “5” in front of the least useful.

  ? Compare answers with the other pairs and explain your choices

  Step Nine Summary

  17. Summarize the good impact of all the things described and mentioned.

  18..Think about the potential problems with the things described and mentioned

  19.Suggest solutions to the problems




