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2019-05-22 14:34:20网络资源

  1. 通过改变句子结构或颠倒正常语序的手段来进行强调。

  Happy are those who are content. 知足常乐。  Never will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 中国决不会第一个使用核武器。  Across the river lies a newly-built bridge. 河上有一座新建的桥。  Hero as he is, he still remains modest. 尽管他是英雄,他仍然很谦虚。

  2. 用助动词do, does或did来强调谓语动词。

  Do come early. 一定早点来。  He does know Beijing well. 他的确熟悉北京。  He did tell me about it yesterday. 他昨天的确告诉了我这件事。


  疑问句转用作加强语气的陈述句,称之为修辞性疑问句。肯定的修辞疑问句其意义相当于强调的否定陈述句;而否定的修辞疑问句其意义则相当于强调的肯定陈述句。  Isn't it a modern school 难道这不是一所现代化的学校吗?(= It is really a modern school.)  Can anyone doubt the truth of his statement 谁能怀疑他陈述的真实性? (= Surely no one can  would doubt it.)  Aren't you ashamed of yourself 难道你不惭愧吗?(= You should be ashamed of yourself.)  Who doesn't know the sun rises in the east 谁不知道太阳从东方升起?(=Everyone knows the sun rises in the east.)

  A. it引导的强调结构

  “It is + 被强调部分 + thatwho + 句子其他部分”是使用最广的强调句型。除了谓语动词不能强调外,句子中其它成分,如主语、状语、宾语或宾语补足语都可以用该句型中加以强调。


  1.强调主语  被强调的主语是人时,可用It iswas ... thatwho ...,但如果被强调的部分既包括人又包括物,只能用that。  He bought a camera yesterday.   -- It was he thatwho bought a camera yesterday. 是他昨天买了一架照相机。  The famous writer and his works have aroused great interest among the students.   -- It is the famous writer and his works that have aroused great interest among the students. 在学生中引起极大的兴趣的正是这位著名作家以及他的作品。

  注意:  强调“I”时谓语动词的变化形式。  It is I who am to blame.  It is me who is to blame. 是我该受到责怪。(非正式文体)

  2. 强调宾语  She helped me yesterday.   --It was me thatwhom she helped yesterday. 昨天她帮助的人是我。  They often talk about the school and the teachers.   --It is the school and the teachers that they often talk about. 他们经常谈论的是学校和老师。

  3. 强调宾语补足语  We elected him chairman of the meeting.   -- It was chairman of the meeting that we elected him. 我们选他是做会议的主席。  We painted the wall white. It was white that we painted the wall. 我们把墙漆成的是白色。  4. 强调状语  英语中的状语种类很多,一般都可以用It iswas ... that ...来强调。

  ①时间状语  He left his hometown for Taiwan in his teens. 他十几岁时就离开家乡去了台湾。  -- It was in his teens that he left his hometown for Taiwan. 他是在十几岁时离开家乡去台湾的。  He let out the secret after the guest had gone away. 客人走后, 他说出了秘密。  -- It was after the guest had gone away that he let out the secret. 是在客人走后,他才说出了秘密。  提示:  如果强调由not…until till 引导的时间状语时,要注意否定前移。  He didn't return to his hometown until after liberation.  -- It was not until after liberation that he returned to his hometown. 他是解放后才回到他家乡的。

  ②频率状语  He comes to see me once in a while.   -- It is once in a while that he comes to see me. 他现在是偶尔来看看我。

  ③地点状语  The car accident happened in this street yesterday.   -- It was in this street that the car accident happened yesterday. 昨天就是在这条街上发生了汽车事故。

  ④方式状语  They took care of their sick mother by turns.   -- It was by turns that they took care of their sick mother. 他们轮流来照看生病的母亲。

  ⑤目的状语  He got up early to catch the early bus.   --It was to catch the early bus that he got up early. 是为了赶早班车,他才起得很早的。

  ⑥原因状语  They could not cross the river because the water had risen.  -- It was because the water had risen that they could not cross the river. 正是由于水涨了,他们没有渡过河去。  提示:  在强调结构It iswas ...that ...中,要用because来引导原因状语从句,不用since或as。(见第11章 状语从句)

  ⑦其他状语  The tailor made a suit to my own measure.   -- It was to my own measure that the tailor made a suit. 裁缝是按我自己的尺寸做了一套衣服。

  ⑧with without 复合结构  “with without+名词代词+其他成分”这种结构,也可以放在It iswas ... that 中,成为被强调的部分。  He was waiting for his son at the gate, with an umbrella in his hand.    -- It was with an umbrella in his hand that he was waiting for his son at the gate. 他是手里拿着一把伞在门口等待着他的儿子。   She felt very nervous, with the teacher standing beside her. It was with the teacher standing beside her that she felt very nervous. 是有老师站在她旁边,她才感到很紧张的。

  It was at the railway station that we first met 16 years ago. 是在火车站我们16年前第一次相逢。

  (强调句,强调地点状语at the railway station)

[标签:高频考点 高考英语]






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